01-05 Silence : Book Review
01-04 The Golden Ticket


12-31 Books read in 2015
12-24 Raag Yaman Practice
10-10 Statistical Modeling - A Tale of two cultures
10-03 Superforecasting - Book Review
10-03 How to find fulfilling work
09-13 Reproducible Research with R and RStudio
09-12 Compiling a book
09-11 Minimum Resting Time
09-11 Event History Analysis With R
09-10 How Students Learn Statistics
09-09 A Multi-Language Computing Environment for Literate programming and Reproducible research
09-08 Mindless Statistics
09-08 Frustrating experience with Vilambit
09-08 Blogging from org mode
08-16 Malkauns–Vilambit
08-09 Guru Purnima
07-26 What did I learn today
07-25 Learning's : June-July 2015
06-07 Malkauns–Big Taan
05-27 Shiny–Part 2
05-24 Malkauns Taan
05-20 Learning Shiny Apps–Part I
05-17 Additional Taans
05-10 Taans
05-03 Malkauns Taan variants
04-25 New composition–Malkauns
04-21 Joint Practice Session
04-20 Malkauns
04-15 Dynamic Dashboards with Shiny
04-12 Taans


07-19 Installing cvxpy
07-17 100 Graphs
07-08 Installing CVXOPT
06-21 My First R Meetup Mumbai Talk
04-17 Bumping
04-07 Data Science Toolbox Week 1


12-08 Text color in Beamer presentations
11-22 Blogging via R Studio
09-09 Financial Analysis using Python
08-11 Counter(Python)
07-22 Deliberate Practice Hour Counter(Python)
07-13 Cracked density() function
07-13 Convolution Lessons
07-01 Linear Transformation
06-29 Testing Latex in Wordpress
06-29 Psuedo Inverse
06-29 Image compression
06-29 FFT