Here are the learnings from today’s class :

  • One needs to start Jhala in a specific way to differentiate from the usual composition. For Malkauns, Sir taught me a piece that needs to played before the actual Jhala starts

  • A typical Jhala needs to end with a tihayee. Sir taught me a nice piece to end the Jhala

  • In one of the Malkauns taans, I had trouble lifting my finger from G and playing a piece that started as NDD, SNN etc. Sir understood my difficulty and replaced it with an easier piece so that I could atleast play without messing it. May be once I play for few more years ,my fingers might give in to the difficult pattern that I was to play

  • I am always embarrassed when Sir asks me to play a piece of Alaap. Somehow I struggle to pull the string in the right manner. In any case, this week, Sir has strictly instructed me to put in as many as hours as I could, so that I could play some basic notes that he taught me today.

So, there are four things that I need to work before the next class: Learnt to play a bit of Alaap, Change the composition of a taan, Practice the starting piece before Jhala and Practice the ending tihaye.  Hopefully I find time after office hours to work on these four aspects.