Learning Shiny Apps–Part I
This is a three part shiny app talk series. Use k means clustering as an example
You need to write a ui function, server function and shinyApp function to invoke the app
Build your app in terms of inputs and outputs
Every input should have inputId, label, and additional arguments that does its job
Use three rules for building Ouput
save the output to output$samenameinui
What you save in output should be an output of renderFunction
use input values as input$inputId
renderPlot({CODE CHUNK})
Reactivity automatically occurs whenever you use an input value to render an output object
All things connected to input$num updates all the output that depends on input$num
Use server function to assemble all inputs
Deploy your app as – you app.R in a directory.
In the very beginning, there were two files. You have ui.R and server.R. This still works
If the ui and server are big files, then you can split app.R in to two files. You need to use these files with the same name
Run in viewpane where the app is launched in the IDE itself..Cool feature
devtools::install_github installs package from github
deploy shiny apps on the cloud
shinyServer is open source. You can use shinyServer in your company, use it in your own environment