Why bootstrappign with unique samples is difficult

from itertools import izip

from numpy import array, log, exp

from scipy.special import gammaln

import itertools as it

def log_factorial(x):

"""Returns the logarithm of x!

Also accepts lists and NumPy arrays in place of x."""

return gammaln(array(x)+1)

input = [1, 2, 3.5, 4, 7,7.3, 8.6, 12.4, 13.8, 18.1]

n = 0

for i in it.combinations_with_replacement(input,10):

n = n+ 1

res = []

wj = []

for combo in it.combinations_with_replacement(input,10):

counts = \[combo.count(i) for i in input\]

prob = exp(log\_factorial(10) - sum(\[ log\_factorial(c) for c in counts\]) + 10\*log(1./10))



mu = sum([wj[i]*res[i] for i in range(n)])

print mu

se = (sum( [ wj[i] *( (res[i]-mu)**2 ) for i in range(n) ] ))**0.5

print se



  • Learnt how fast the code runs in python

  • Learnt about never using factorial function in python, instead use gamma