• Generator expressions.

  • How are generator expressions different from list comprehensions

  • Returns a iterator and a promise to go over the conditions

  • use it in a for loop to avoid stop iteration error

  • For loop

  • Creates an iterator and loop till the next item in iterator raises an exception

  • Design

  • Concept inventory

  • Refine ideas

  • Simple implementation

  • Back envelope

  • Refine Code

  • Tools

  • Need to learn about regular expressions

  • Anytime you see a leading 0 and you want to evaluate the expression, just rule it out

  • Write a generator Function instead of a normal function. Amazing stuff of python.

  • import cProfile ; cProfile.run

  • Python features – List comprehensions

  • Generator expressions

  • Generator functions – yield statement

  • Polymorphism – timedcalls ( n)  could be either an integer or float – isinstance

  • eval function

  • instrumentation – time.clock(), timecalled, counting, profiler, variable naming conventions