
Video1 – Introducing NumPy

  • functions covered are arange, meshgrid,zeros,ones, eyes, flatten,
  • flatten - order determines the dimension along which it is flattened
  • repeat function
  • tile function

Video2 – Using dtypes

<= import numpy as np print np.fromfunction(lambda i,j : i+j , (4,4)) print np.fromfunction(lambda i,j : abs(i-j)<1 , (4,4)) print np.fromfunction(lambda i,j : abs(i-j)<1 , (4,4)).astype(int) dt = np.dtype(‘f4,c8’) print array([(1,1)] , dtype=dt)

Video3 – Loading Data

from numpy import *

x = loadtxt(r"C:\Cauldron\garage\DeliberatePractice\Python\NumPyLectures\navs.csv",delimiter=",",skiprows=1,usecols =(2,3),dtype=dtype(‘f4’,‘f4’))

print x[1:5,0:1]

x = genfromtxt(r"C:\Cauldron\garage\DeliberatePractice\Python\NumPyLectures\navs.csv",delimiter=",",skiprows=1,usecols =(1,2,3),dtype=dtype(‘f4’,‘f4’,‘f4’))

print x[1:5,0:1]

print isnan(x[1:10,0])

[[ 106.55950165]

[ 107.45999908]

[ 106.5786972 ]

[ 106.48329926]]

[[ 529.21069336]

[ nan]

[ 527.71520996]

[ 525.87158203]]

[False True False False False False False False False]

  • You can use genfromtext to load text that contain missing values

Video4 - Slicing and dicing

from numpy import *

x = arange(50).reshape(5,10)

print x[where(x>5)]

print logical_and(x >5 , x 5 , x <20)]

print sqrt(x)

[ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49]

[[False False False False False False True True True True]

[ True True True True True True True True True True]

[False False False False False False False False False False]

[False False False False False False False False False False]

[False False False False False False False False False False]]

[ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]

[[ 0. 1. 1.41421356 1.73205081 2. 2.23606798

2.44948974 2.64575131 2.82842712 3. ]

[ 3.16227766 3.31662479 3.46410162 3.60555128 3.74165739 3.87298335

  1. 4.12310563 4.24264069 4.35889894]

[ 4.47213595 4.58257569 4.69041576 4.79583152 4.89897949 5.

5.09901951 5.19615242 5.29150262 5.38516481]

[ 5.47722558 5.56776436 5.65685425 5.74456265 5.83095189 5.91607978

  1. 6.08276253 6.164414 6.244998 ]

[ 6.32455532 6.40312424 6.4807407 6.55743852 6.63324958 6.70820393

6.78232998 6.8556546 6.92820323 7. ]]

  • You can use genfromtext to load text that contain missing values

  • Unary functions numpy.sqrt, numpy.cos , etc are designed to be used on arrays

Video5 - Linear Algebra

from numpy import *

x = arange(50).reshape(5,10)

print matrix(x).T*matrix(x)

print linalg.det(matrix(x).T*matrix(x))

print linalg.eig(matrix(x).T*matrix(x))

print linalg.eigvals(matrix(x).T*matrix(x))

[[3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900]

[3100 3205 3310 3415 3520 3625 3730 3835 3940 4045]

[3200 3310 3420 3530 3640 3750 3860 3970 4080 4190]

[3300 3415 3530 3645 3760 3875 3990 4105 4220 4335]

[3400 3520 3640 3760 3880 4000 4120 4240 4360 4480]

[3500 3625 3750 3875 4000 4125 4250 4375 4500 4625]

[3600 3730 3860 3990 4120 4250 4380 4510 4640 4770]

[3700 3835 3970 4105 4240 4375 4510 4645 4780 4915]

[3800 3940 4080 4220 4360 4500 4640 4780 4920 5060]

[3900 4045 4190 4335 4480 4625 4770 4915 5060 5205]]


(array([ 4.03227003e+04 +0.00000000e+00j,

    -1.47530628e-12 +0.00000000e+00j,

     1.02299696e+02 +0.00000000e+00j,

     1.86546894e-12 +0.00000000e+00j,

    -4.99759293e-13 +5.37521382e-13j,

    -4.99759293e-13 -5.37521382e-13j,

    -3.45582910e-13 +3.20560565e-13j,

    -3.45582910e-13 -3.20560565e-13j,

    -2.50392269e-13 +0.00000000e+00j,   4.13002980e-13 +0.00000000e+00j\]), matrix(\[\[ -2.71496515e-01+0.j        ,  -8.09039835e-01+0.j        ,

       5.21290886e-01+0.j        ,  -1.27860533e-01+0.j        ,

       9.46244843e-02-0.01579802j,   9.46244843e-02+0.01579802j,

      -7.54436211e-02-0.08322526j,  -7.54436211e-02+0.08322526j,

      -5.61064662e-03+0.j        ,   4.69050382e-02+0.j        \],

    \[ -2.81165278e-01+0.j        ,   3.59573260e-01+0.j        ,

       4.11619891e-01+0.j        ,  -4.64933814e-01+0.j        ,

      -5.66373677e-02+0.05072311j,  -5.66373677e-02-0.05072311j,

       1.35932901e-02+0.01090524j,   1.35932901e-02-0.01090524j,

       7.50382870e-03+0.j        ,   1.53202762e-02+0.j        \],

    \[ -2.90834042e-01+0.j        ,   2.92153274e-01+0.j        ,

       3.01948896e-01+0.j        ,   3.48350555e-01+0.j        ,

       7.78773449e-02+0.15820573j,   7.78773449e-02-0.15820573j,

      -4.41180098e-01+0.j        ,  -4.41180098e-01+0.j        ,

      -7.20823008e-01+0.j        ,  -8.06180700e-02+0.j        \],

    \[ -3.00502805e-01+0.j        ,   2.24733287e-01+0.j        ,

       1.92277901e-01+0.j        ,  -1.47676847e-01+0.j        ,

       1.90176135e-02-0.27365343j,   1.90176135e-02+0.27365343j,

       3.10645335e-01+0.25972686j,   3.10645335e-01-0.25972686j,

       4.52683125e-01+0.j        ,   5.57992484e-01+0.j        \],

    \[ -3.10171569e-01+0.j        ,   1.57313301e-01+0.j        ,

       8.26069064e-02+0.j        ,   1.50983420e-01+0.j        ,

      -2.42105636e-01-0.24398526j,  -2.42105636e-01+0.24398526j,

       3.10284046e-01+0.12742365j,   3.10284046e-01-0.12742365j,

       2.60741829e-01+0.j        ,  -6.51527196e-01+0.j        \],

    \[ -3.19840332e-01+0.j        ,   8.98933150e-02+0.j        ,

      -2.70640886e-02+0.j        ,   6.81194584e-01+0.j        ,

       8.26063415e-02+0.2667188j ,   8.26063415e-02-0.2667188j ,

       3.50693821e-01-0.21370131j,   3.50693821e-01+0.21370131j,

       3.36861644e-01+0.j        ,   2.68463694e-02+0.j        \],

    \[ -3.29509096e-01+0.j        ,   2.24733287e-02+0.j        ,

      -1.36735084e-01+0.j        ,   1.98274668e-02+0.j        ,

      -4.03006845e-01+0.01355545j,  -4.03006845e-01-0.01355545j,

      -1.17471397e-01-0.251166j  ,  -1.17471397e-01+0.251166j  ,

       7.52306555e-02+0.j        ,   7.71483375e-02+0.j        \],

    \[ -3.39177859e-01+0.j        ,  -4.49466575e-02+0.j        ,

      -2.46406078e-01+0.j        ,   4.57301880e-02+0.j        ,

       4.94304845e-01+0.j        ,   4.94304845e-01+0.j        ,

      -2.64233377e-01-0.1001103j ,  -2.64233377e-01+0.1001103j ,

      -1.50168842e-01+0.j        ,  -3.70095134e-01+0.j        \],

    \[ -3.48846623e-01+0.j        ,  -1.12366644e-01+0.j        ,

      -3.56077073e-01+0.j        ,  -3.12815701e-01+0.j        ,

       4.27451474e-02+0.38326256j,   4.27451474e-02-0.38326256j,

      -2.78679629e-01+0.27482986j,  -2.78679629e-01-0.27482986j,

      -2.56382508e-01+0.j        ,   3.30659787e-01+0.j        \],

    \[ -3.58515386e-01+0.j        ,  -1.79786630e-01+0.j        ,

      -4.65748068e-01+0.j        ,  -1.92799318e-01+0.j        ,

      -1.09425928e-01-0.33902893j,  -1.09425928e-01+0.33902893j,

       1.91791629e-01-0.02468273j,   1.91791629e-01+0.02468273j,

      -3.60776951e-05+0.j        ,   4.73681068e-02+0.j        \]\]))

[ 4.03227003e+04 +0.00000000e+00j -1.46772213e-12 +0.00000000e+00j

1.02299696e+02 +0.00000000e+00j 1.86546894e-12 +0.00000000e+00j

-4.99759293e-13 +5.37521382e-13j -4.99759293e-13 -5.37521382e-13j

-3.45582910e-13 +3.20560565e-13j -3.45582910e-13 -3.20560565e-13j

-2.50392269e-13 +0.00000000e+00j 4.13002980e-13 +0.00000000e+00j]

  • linalg module has aton of matrix related functions

Video6 - Masked Aarrays

  • They maintain the shape of the array but suppress the elements

Video7 - Broad Casting

  • Recycling rule in Python

Video8 - Using Numpy temporary variables

  • There are times when you can cut the temporary variable creation by using the same output matrix for input

Video9 - Functional Programming in NumPy

  • apply_along_axis, apply_along_axes fuctions are covered

  • vectorize function is also covered

Video10 - Polynomiam Functions

x = linspace(0,3,30)

print x

y = x+1+x**3

y+= random.randn(*y.shape)

print polyfit(x,y,3)

print poly1d(polyfit(x,y,3))

p = poly1d(polyfit(x,y,3))

print p

print p(x)

print p*p+3

print roots(p)

print polyder(p)

print polyint(p)

[ 0. 0.10344828 0.20689655 0.31034483 0.4137931 0.51724138

0.62068966 0.72413793 0.82758621 0.93103448 1.03448276 1.13793103

1.24137931 1.34482759 1.44827586 1.55172414 1.65517241 1.75862069

1.86206897 1.96551724 2.06896552 2.17241379 2.27586207 2.37931034

2.48275862 2.5862069 2.68965517 2.79310345 2.89655172 3. ]

[ 1.11946512 -0.57078042 1.72519246 0.8239446 ]

   3          2

1.119 x - 0.5708 x + 1.725 x + 0.8239

   3          2

1.119 x - 0.5708 x + 1.725 x + 0.8239

[ 0.8239446 0.99754386 1.16636253 1.33783646 1.51940153

1.71849359 1.94254853 2.19900219 2.49529046 2.8388492

3.23711427 3.69752154 4.22750687 4.83450614 5.52595521

6.30928995 7.19194622 8.18135989 9.28496682 10.51020289

11.86450396 13.3553059 14.99004456 16.77615583 18.72107556

20.83223963 23.11708389 25.58304422 28.23755648 31.08805654]

   6         5         4          3         2

1.253 x - 1.278 x + 4.188 x - 0.1247 x + 2.036 x + 2.843 x + 3.679

[ 0.44954229+1.29959068j 0.44954229-1.29959068j -0.38921570+0.j ]


3.358 x - 1.142 x + 1.725

    4          3          2

0.2799 x - 0.1903 x + 0.8626 x + 0.8239 x

  • There are a lot of functions that support polynomial stuff in NumPy

  • The above code shows the various stuff I played around with, atleast the video played around with and I replicated the examples

Video11 - Understanding Strides

from numpy.lib import stride_tricks


x =stride_tricks.as_strided(a , shape=(8,3), strides=(4,4))

print x

print x.strides

y = arange(24).reshape(8,3)

print y.strides


print x

[[0 1 2]

[1 2 3]

[2 3 4]

[3 4 5]

[4 5 6]

[5 6 7]

[6 7 8]

[7 8 9]]

(4, 4)

(12, 4)

[[ 0 1 9999]

[ 1 9999 3]

[9999 3 4]

[ 3 4 5]

[ 4 5 6]

[ 5 6 7]

[ 6 7 8]

[ 7 8 9]]

  • strides tells the bytes to move to cover each dimension

  • Creates overlapped arrays and the values point to the same memory location