Purpose - Code Accept / Reject Algo
Generating Normal from Cauchy Distribution

> f.cauchy <- function(x) {
+     p <- (1/pi) * (1/(1 + x^2))
+     return(p)
+ }
> f.normal <- function(x) {
+     sig <- 1
+     mu <- 0
+     d <- sqrt(2 * pi) * sig
+     n <- exp((-1 * (x - mu)^2)/(2 * sig^2))
+     p <- n/d
+     return(p)
+ }
> f.ratio <- function(x) {
+     return(-1 * f.normal(x)/f.cauchy(x))
+ }
> M <- -1 * optim(8, f.ratio)$value
> N <- 10000
> U <- runif(N)
> V <- rcauchy(N, 0)
> normal.var <- ifelse(U < (1/M) * (-1 * f.ratio(V)), V, NA)
> normal.var <- normal.var[!is.na(normal.var)]
> normal.theor <- rnorm(length(normal.var), 0, 1)
> qqplot(normal.var, normal.theor, main = "Check sample vs simulated ")


> qqnorm(normal.var)
> qqline(normal.var, col = "blue", lwd = 2, main = "Check sample vs simulated ")


Generating Normal from Cauchy Distribution

> f.cauchy <- function(x) {
+     p <- (1/pi) * (1/(1 + x^2))
+     return(p)
+ }
> f.normal <- function(x) {
+     sig <- 1
+     mu <- 0
+     d <- sqrt(2 * pi) * sig
+     n <- exp((-1 * (x - mu)^2)/(2 * sig^2))
+     p <- n/d
+     return(p)
+ }
> f.ratio <- function(x) {
+     return(-1 * f.cauchy(x)/f.normal(x))
+ }
> M <- -1 * optim(10, f.ratio)$value
> N <- 10000
> U <- runif(N)
> V <- rnorm(N, 0, 1)
> cauchy.var <- ifelse(U < (1/M) * (f.ratio(V)), V, NA)
> cauchy.var <- cauchy.var[!is.na(cauchy.var)]


The problem with the above code is that none of the uniform
variates satisify the above condition and there are practically no cauchy var generated from the above method.

This is the motivation for Metropolis or Gibbs Sampler.