To code S3 and S4 classes

Set a new class called Distribution

> setClass("Distribution", representation(domain = "character"))
[1] "Distribution"
> myDist1 <- new("Distribution", domain = "stats")
> myDist2 <- new("Distribution")


> setClass("Distribution", representation(domain = "character"),
+     prototype = list(domain = "discrete"))
[1] "Distribution"
> myDist2 <- new("Distribution")

Assigning Values

> myDist2@domain <- "Rads"
> print(myDist2)
An object of class "Distribution"
Slot "domain":
[1] "Rads"

Accessing Slot Values

> print(myDist2@domain)
[1] "Rads"

Create a class that extends distribution

> setClass("Poisson", contains = "Distribution", representation(param = "character",
+     val = "numeric"), prototype = list(param = "lambda", val = 0))
[1] "Poisson"
> myPoisson <- new("Poisson")

Assign to the parent class through child class

> myPoisson@domain <- "Discrete"
> myPoisson
An object of class "Poisson"
Slot "param":
[1] "lambda"
Slot "val": [1] 0
Slot "domain": [1] "Discrete"

GetClass Details

> getClass("Poisson")
Class "Poisson"
Name: param val domain Class: character numeric character
Extends: "Distribution"


> getSlots("Poisson")
      param         val      domain
"character"   "numeric" "character"
> slotNames("Poisson")
[1] "param"  "val"    "domain"
> extends("Poisson")
[1] "Poisson"      "Distribution"

Get the superClassNames and subClassNames

> library(RBioinf)
> superClassNames("Poisson")
[1] "Distribution"
> subClassNames("Poisson")

Learnt something today about how class is represented in R

> y <- getClass("Poisson")
> names(getClass("Poisson")@contains)
[1] "Distribution"
> str(y)
Formal class 'classRepresentation' [package "methods"] with 11 slots
  ..@ slots     :List of 3
  .. ..$ param : atomic [1:1] character
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "package")= chr "methods"
  .. ..$ val   : atomic [1:1] numeric
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "package")= chr "methods"
  .. ..$ domain: atomic [1:1] character
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "package")= chr "methods"
  ..@ contains  :List of 1
  .. ..$ Distribution:Formal class 'SClassExtension' [package "methods"] with 10 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ subClass  : chr "Poisson"
  .. .. .. ..@ superClass: chr "Distribution"
  .. .. .. ..@ package   : chr ".GlobalEnv"
  .. .. .. ..@ coerce    :function (from, strict = TRUE)
  .. .. .. ..@ test      :function (object)
  .. .. .. ..@ replace   :function (from, to, value)
  .. .. .. ..@ simple    : logi TRUE
  .. .. .. ..@ by        : chr(0)
  .. .. .. ..@ dataPart  : logi FALSE
  .. .. .. ..@ distance  : num 1
  ..@ virtual   : logi FALSE
  ..@ prototype :Formal class 'S4' [package ""] with 0 slots
  ..@ validity  : NULL
  ..@ access    : list()
  ..@ className : atomic [1:1] Poisson
  .. ..- attr(*, "package")= chr ".GlobalEnv"
  ..@ package   : chr ".GlobalEnv"
  ..@ subclasses: list()
  ..@ versionKey:<externalptr>
  ..@ sealed    : logi FALSE

Wow! the above class structure is awesome. It has slots, contains, virtual, prototype, validity, access, className, package, subclasses, versionKey, sealed etc.

Structure for the matrix

> getClass("matrix")
Class "matrix"
No Slots, prototype of class "matrix"
Extends: Class "array", directly Class "structure", by class "array", distance 2 Class "vector", by class "array", distance 3, with explicit coerce
Known Subclasses: Class "array", directly, with explicit test and coerce Class "mts", from data part


> extends("matrix")
[1] "matrix"    "array"     "structure" "vector"

Check whether a class is S4 object or not

> isS4(myPoisson)
[1] TRUE

Experimenting with coercion

> setClass("Derivative", representation(name = "character"), prototype = list(name = "NIFTY"))
[1] "Derivative"
> myD <- new("Derivative")
> setClass("Options", representation(type = "character"), contains = "Derivative",
+     prototype = list(type = "NIFTYFutures"))
[1] "Options"
> myOpt <- new("Options")
> as(myOpt, "Derivative")
An object of class "Derivative"
Slot "name":
[1] "NIFTY"
> myD1 <- new("Derivative", name = "Benchmark")
> as(myOpt, "Derivative") <- myD1
> myOpt
An object of class "Options"
Slot "type":
[1] "NIFTYFutures"
Slot "name": [1] "Benchmark"