Understanding Machine Epsilon

> macheps <- function() {
+     me <- 1
+     while (1 + me > 1) {
+         me <- me/2
+     }
+     return(me)
+ }
> print(2 * macheps())
[1] 2.220446049250313e-16

How do you know that you have reached
Machine Epsilon

> print(1 + macheps() > 1)
> print(1 + macheps() * 2 > 1)
[1] TRUE

If you add machine epsilon to 1, it results in 1.

> print(.Machine$double.eps)
[1] 2.220446049250313e-16
  1. I am 33 years now and I have been using computers since the last 10 years in one form or the other.I am just learning this machine epsilon now!!! I am enjoying every bit of it and let god allow me to lead this life where I learn each day and die peacefully