The way you and the world are structured, at any moment, anything can collapse. What is very wonderful today can turn absolutely horrible tomorrow. We are not wishing it but being blind to the possibility is stupid. Just believing that nothing will happen to you - such stupid confidence is no good. Being aware of all the dangers - when you know very well you could be knocked down to death the next moment and still being able to walk joyfully on the street - that’s wonderful. If you are not aware, then you are just living in a fool’s paradise. So, being aware that anything is possible and still walking joyfully and peacefully - now, this is good.

If you are aware that the next moment could be your last, then you live differently, isn’t it? All your intelligence begins to function. If we think we are immortal, we will do very idiotic things on the planet. So, it’s very important to constantly remind yourself that you are mortal; any moment it could happen. If you know this, you will naturally want to know what this life is about; what the deeper crux of this life is. You will not just settle for the surface of it. By thinking about God you will never turn spiritual, you will turn fanciful; but the moment you start thinking about death, then you want to know what the source of this life is.