To explore reshape package and see what need it fills

> library(reshape)

What are the available stuff in base package ?

> handedness <- read.csv("http://news.mrdwab.com/handedness")
> table(handedness)
Gender   left-handed right-handed
  Female           1            5
  Male             2            4
> set.seed(123)
> fav.col <- sample(c("red", "green", "blue"), 12, replace = T)
> set.seed(123)
> fav.shape <- sample(c("square", "triangle", "circle"), 12, replace = T)
> handedness.plus <- cbind(handedness, fav.col, fav.shape)

Using table

> table(handedness.plus$fav.col, handedness.plus$Gender, handedness.plus$Handedness)
, ,  = left-handed
    Female Male

blue 0 1 green 1 1 red 0 0

, , = right-handed
    Female Male

blue 2 2 green 2 1 red 1 1

Using xtabs

> xtabs(~fav.col + Gender + Handedness, handedness.plus)
, , Handedness = left-handed
Gender fav.col Female Male blue 0 1 green 1 1 red 0 0
, , Handedness = right-handed
Gender fav.col Female Male blue 2 2 green 2 1 red 1 1

Using ftable

> ftable(handedness.plus, row.vars = 3, col.vars = c(1, 2))
        Gender          Female                     Male
        Handedness left-handed right-handed left-handed right-handed
blue                         0            2           1            2
green                        1            2           1            1
red                          0            1           0            1

Another variation

> ftable(handedness.plus, row.vars = 1, col.vars = c(2, 4))
       Handedness left-handed                 right-handed
       fav.shape       circle square triangle       circle square triangle
Female                      0      0        1            2      1        2
Male                        1      0        1            2      1        1

Another variation

> ftable(handedness.plus, row.vars = 1:3, col.vars = 4)
                            fav.shape circle square triangle
Gender Handedness   fav.col
Female left-handed  blue                   0      0        0
                    green                  0      0        1
                    red                    0      0        0
       right-handed blue                   2      0        0
                    green                  0      0        2
                    red                    0      1        0
Male   left-handed  blue                   1      0        0
                    green                  0      0        1
                    red                    0      0        0
       right-handed blue                   2      0        0
                    green                  0      0        1
                    red                    0      1        0

Using reshape package

> book.sales <- read.csv("http://news.mrdwab.com/booksales")
> head(book.sales)
  Representative Region      Month Publisher    Subject Sales Margin Quantity
1            Raj      S 1997-01-01      SAGE Management 135.0  63.45        9
2            Raj      S 1997-01-01 Routledge Statistics 120.0  48.00        6
3            Raj      S 1997-01-01   Penguin  Economics  54.0  22.68        4
4            Raj      S 1997-01-01 Routledge    Fiction 234.0 128.70        9
5           Soni      S 1997-01-01   Penguin   Politics  54.0  22.68        4
6           Soni      S 1997-01-01      SAGE   Politics 185.4 100.12       12
> m.book.sales <- melt(book.sales, id.vars = 1:5)
> cast(m.book.sales, Region ~ variable)
  Region Sales Margin Quantity
1      E    15     15       15
2      N   122    122      122
3      S    91     91       91
4      W    77     77       77
> cast(m.book.sales, Region ~ variable, sum)
  Region   Sales  Margin Quantity
1      E  2267.0 1081.84      135
2      N 18328.3 8552.22     1130
3      S 13276.5 6230.62      813
4      W 12078.8 5758.08      690
> cast(m.book.sales, Region + Representative ~ variable, sum)
   Region Representative   Sales  Margin Quantity
1       E           Kunj 1309.00  606.37       82
2       E         Rajesh  958.00  475.47       53
3       N        Gajanan 5348.95 2551.27      307
4       N        Mallesh 6931.70 3273.15      445
5       N          Priya 4790.65 2168.95      309
6       N           Ravi 1257.00  558.85       69
7       S        Mahanta 3780.70 1698.01      239
8       S            Raj 3463.80 1690.53      183
9       S           Soni 6032.00 2842.08      391
10      W     Shreekanth 4065.20 1930.84      222
11      W      Shreerang 3570.20 1675.55      213
12      W      Sree Hari 4443.40 2151.69      255
> cast(m.book.sales, Region ~ variable, c(sum, mean))
  Region Sales_sum Sales_mean Margin_sum Margin_mean Quantity_sum Quantity_mean
1      E    2267.0   151.1333    1081.84    72.12267          135      9.000000
2      N   18328.3   150.2320    8552.22    70.10016         1130      9.262295
3      S   13276.5   145.8956    6230.62    68.46835          813      8.934066
4      W   12078.8   156.8675    5758.08    74.78026          690      8.961039
> cast(m.book.sales, Region + Representative ~ variable, c(length,
+     sum, mean), subset = variable %in% "Sales")
   Region Representative Sales_length Sales_sum Sales_mean
1       E           Kunj            8   1309.00   163.6250
2       E         Rajesh            7    958.00   136.8571
3       N        Gajanan           33   5348.95   162.0894
4       N        Mallesh           47   6931.70   147.4830
5       N          Priya           35   4790.65   136.8757
6       N           Ravi            7   1257.00   179.5714
7       S        Mahanta           24   3780.70   157.5292
8       S            Raj           23   3463.80   150.6000
9       S           Soni           44   6032.00   137.0909
10      W     Shreekanth           26   4065.20   156.3538
11      W      Shreerang           22   3570.20   162.2818
12      W      Sree Hari           29   4443.40   153.2207
> cast(m.book.sales, Region + Representative ~ variable, c(sum,
+     mean), subset = variable %in% c("Sales", "Quantity"))
   Region Representative Sales_sum Sales_mean Quantity_sum Quantity_mean
1       E           Kunj   1309.00   163.6250           82     10.250000
2       E         Rajesh    958.00   136.8571           53      7.571429
3       N        Gajanan   5348.95   162.0894          307      9.303030
4       N        Mallesh   6931.70   147.4830          445      9.468085
5       N          Priya   4790.65   136.8757          309      8.828571
6       N           Ravi   1257.00   179.5714           69      9.857143
7       S        Mahanta   3780.70   157.5292          239      9.958333
8       S            Raj   3463.80   150.6000          183      7.956522
9       S           Soni   6032.00   137.0909          391      8.886364
10      W     Shreekanth   4065.20   156.3538          222      8.538462
11      W      Shreerang   3570.20   162.2818          213      9.681818
12      W      Sree Hari   4443.40   153.2207          255      8.793103

Wonderful…Pivot becomes a useless commodity!