The purpose of this script is to check the covariance matrix changes year on year.

> head(temp.ret)
           Nifty100Ret    GoldRet     Liquid
2004-05-28   0.4835926 0.08272835 0.03473777
2004-05-31   0.4595340 0.06904175 0.03464168
2004-06-01   0.4435187 0.07295139 0.03460823
2004-06-02   0.4645871 0.06749355 0.03457400
2004-06-03   0.4196550 0.06678886 0.03453988
2004-06-04   0.4315804 0.04620938 0.03450656

Split the dataset in to 5 years

> x <- as.xts(temp.ret)
> yr.2004 <- x["2004", ]
> cov.2004 <- cov(yr.2004)
> n1 <- dim(coredata(yr.2004))[1]
> yr.2005 <- x["2005", ]
> cov.2005 <- cov(yr.2005)
> n2 <- dim(coredata(yr.2005))[1]
> yr.2006 <- x["2006", ]
> cov.2006 <- cov(yr.2006)
> n3 <- dim(coredata(yr.2006))[1]
> yr.2007 <- x["2007", ]
> cov.2007 <- cov(yr.2007)
> n4 <- dim(coredata(yr.2007))[1]
> yr.2008 <- x["2008", ]
> cov.2008 <- cov(yr.2008)
> n5 <- dim(coredata(yr.2008))[1]
> yr.2009 <- x["2009", ]
> cov.2009 <- cov(yr.2009)
> n6 <- dim(coredata(yr.2009))[1]
> yr.2010 <- x["2010", ]
> cov.2010 <- cov(yr.2010)
> n7 <- dim(coredata(yr.2010))[1]
> n <- n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + n5 + n6 + n7
> cov.total <- (n1 * cov.2004 + n2 * cov.2005 + n3 * cov.2006 +
+     n4 * cov.2007 + n5 * cov.2008 + n6 * cov.2009 + n7 * cov.2010)/(n)
> test.stat <- n * det(cov.total) - (n1 * det(cov.2004) + n2 *
+     det(cov.2005) + n3 * det(cov.2006) + n4 * det(cov.2007) +
+     n5 * det(cov.2008) + n6 * det(cov.2009) + n7 * det(cov.2010))
> k <- 7
> p <- 3
> dof <- 0.5 * (k - 1) * (p) * (p + 1)/2
> print(test.stat)
[1] 7.976251e-06
> print(qchisq(0.95, dof))
[1] 28.8693
  1. This result goes against the intuition as the test stat is less than chisquare stat and hence the covariance matrices are pretty stable!!

Ok, now let me do one more thing. compare cov and mcd based cov

> mcd.cov <- assetsMeanCov(temp.ret, "MCD")$cov
> vanilla.cov <- assetsMeanCov(temp.ret, "MCD")$cov
> cov.total <- 0.5 * mcd.cov + 0.5 * vanilla.cov
> n1 <- dim(temp.ret)[1]
> n2 <- dim(temp.ret)[1]
> n <- n1 + n2
> test.stat <- n * det(cov.total) - n1 * det(mcd.cov) - n2 * det(vanilla.cov)
> k <- 2
> p <- 3
> dof <- 0.5 * (k - 1) * (p) * (p + 1)/2
> print(test.stat)
[1] 0
> print(qchisq(0.95, dof))
[1] 7.814728

WOW! it says that mcd based or vanilla based cov is the same

Is there a bug ? Let me simulate and check

> library(mnormt)
> x1 <- rmnorm(n = 1000, mean = c(0, 0, 0), varcov = matrix(c(1,
+     0.4, 0.7, 0.4, 1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3))
> x2 <- rmnorm(n = 1000, mean = c(0, 0, 0), varcov = matrix(c(1,
+     0.4, 0.7, 0.4, 1, 0.1, 0.7, -0.1, 1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3))
> n1 <- dim(x1)[1]
> cov.x1 <- cov(x1)
> n2 <- dim(x2)[1]
> cov.x2 <- cov(x2)
> n <- n1 + n2
> cov.total <- 0.5 * cov.x1 + 0.5 * cov.x2
> test.stat <- n * det(cov.total) - n1 * det(cov.x1) - n2 * det(cov.x2)
> k <- 2
> p <- 3
> dof <- 0.5 * (k - 1) * (p) * (p + 1)/2
> print(test.stat)
[1] 26.62547
> print(qchisq(0.95, dof))
[1] 7.814728

Test stat is in the rejection region and hence cov matrices are diff

Slight perturbation

> library(mnormt)
> x1 <- rmnorm(n = 1000, mean = c(0, 0, 0), varcov = matrix(c(1,
+     0.4, 0.7, 0.4, 1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3))
> x2 <- rmnorm(n = 1000, mean = c(0, 0, 0), varcov = matrix(c(1,
+     0.4, 0.65, 0.4, 1, 0.1, 0.65, 0.1, 1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3))
> n1 <- dim(x1)[1]
> cov.x1 <- cov(x1)
> n2 <- dim(x2)[1]
> cov.x2 <- cov(x2)
> n <- n1 + n2
> cov.total <- 0.5 * cov.x1 + 0.5 * cov.x2
> test.stat <- n * det(cov.total) - n1 * det(cov.x1) - n2 * det(cov.x2)
> k <- 2
> p <- 3
> dof <- 0.5 * (k - 1) * (p) * (p + 1)/2
> print(test.stat)
[1] 3.532013
> print(qchisq(0.95, dof))
[1] 7.814728

See, for small changes , it does not differentiate the change in the cov matrices Obviously one needs to look at the power of this test to get a feel of typeii error

One last test .. Have the cov matrices changed between 2004 and 2010

> yr.2004 <- x["2004", ]
> cov.2004 <- cov(yr.2004)
> n1 <- dim(coredata(yr.2004))[1]
> yr.2010 <- x["2010", ]
> cov.2010 <- cov(yr.2010)
> n7 <- dim(coredata(yr.2010))[1]
> n <- n1 + n7
> cov.total <- (n1 * cov.2004 + n7 * cov.2010)/(n)
> test.stat <- n * det(cov.total) - (n1 * det(cov.2004) + n7 *
+     det(cov.2010))
> k <- 2
> p <- 3
> dof <- 0.5 * (k - 1) * (p) * (p + 1)/2
> print(test.stat)
[1] 4.040607e-09
> print(qchisq(0.95, dof))
[1] 7.814728

Cov matrices have not changed between 2004 and 2010

What if I take daily returns!!

> library(fPortfolio)
> dim(workdata.xts)
[1] 1883    2
> nifgold.ret <- cbind(log(coredata(workdata.xts[2:1883, 1])/coredata(workdata.xts[1:1882,
+     1])), log(coredata(workdata.xts[2:1883, 2])/coredata(workdata.xts[1:1882,
+     2])))
> yr.2004 <- nifgold.ret[1:300, ]
> cov.2004 <- cov(yr.2004)
> n1 <- dim(coredata(yr.2004))[1]
> yr.2010 <- nifgold.ret[1500:1830, ]
> cov.2010 <- cov(yr.2010)
> n7 <- dim(coredata(yr.2010))[1]
> n <- n1 + n7
> cov.total <- (n1 * cov.2004 + n7 * cov.2010)/(n)
> test.stat <- n * det(cov.total) - (n1 * det(cov.2004) + n7 *
+     det(cov.2010))
> k <- 2
> p <- 3
> dof <- 0.5 * (k - 1) * (p) * (p + 1)/2
> print(test.stat)
[1] -3.363418e-06
> print(qchisq(0.95, dof))
[1] 7.814728

Does it mean covs are stable ? Atleast this test says so!