Using Max Likelihood estimate and Canonical Maximum Likelihood ( CML ) to get the correlation structure amongst assets CML 1. First estimate the marginals using the empirical distributions (without assumptions on the parametric form for each of them) 2. Estimate via MLE the copula parameters

temp.ret contains the returns of three assets

> head(temp.ret, 2)
           Nifty100Ret    GoldRet     Liquid
2004-05-28   0.4835926 0.08272835 0.03473777
2004-05-31   0.4595340 0.06904175 0.03464168
> tail(temp.ret, 2)
           Nifty100Ret   GoldRet     Liquid
2010-05-27   0.2201230 0.2832164 0.02502719
2010-05-28   0.2331315 0.2569849 0.02505284

Empirical Correlation and MCD Correlation Matrix are

> cor1 <- cov2cor(assetsMeanCov(workdata.ret, "cov")$cov)
> cor2 <- cov2cor(assetsMeanCov(workdata.ret, "MCD")$cov)
> cor1
            Nifty100Ret     GoldRet     Liquid
Nifty100Ret  1.00000000 -0.02793342 -0.4740610
GoldRet     -0.02793342  1.00000000  0.1073741
Liquid      -0.47406102  0.10737413  1.0000000
> cor2
            Nifty100Ret     GoldRet    Liquid
Nifty100Ret  1.00000000 -0.06133853 0.1920297
GoldRet     -0.06133853  1.00000000 0.1484049
Liquid       0.19202966  0.14840486 1.0000000

Old Method

> gaus.cop <- ellipCopula(family = "normal", dim = 3, dispstr = "un",
+     param = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
> loglik.marg <- function(b, x) {
+     return(sum(dnorm(x, b[1], b[2], log = T)))
+ }
> b1hat <- optim(c(0, 1), fn = loglik.marg, x = temp.ret[, 1],
+     control = list(fnscale = -1))$par
> b2hat <- optim(c(0, 1), fn = loglik.marg, x = temp.ret[, 2],
+     control = list(fnscale = -1))$par
> b3hat <- optim(c(0, 1), fn = loglik.marg, x = temp.ret[, 3],
+     control = list(fnscale = -1))$par
> udat <- cbind(pnorm(temp.ret[, 1], b1hat[1], b2hat[2]), pnorm(temp.ret[,
+     2], b2hat[1], b2hat[2]), pnorm(temp.ret[, 3], b3hat[1], b3hat[2]))
> u <- udat
> a.o <- 0.5 * c(cor1[1, 2], cor1[1, 3], cor1[2, 3])
> fit <- fitCopula(gaus.cop, u, start = a.o, method = "ml")

Comparison of results between the copula fit and rest are usual estimators
First is copula estimate, Second is simple cor estim and third is MCD based

> fit@estimate
[1] -0.01537028 -0.24942721  0.11744008
> c(cor1[1, 2], cor1[1, 3], cor1[2, 3])
[1] -0.02793342 -0.47406102  0.10737413
> c(cor2[1, 2], cor2[1, 3], cor2[2, 3])
[1] -0.06133853  0.19202966  0.14840486

CML Method

> n <- dim(temp.ret)[1]
> gaus.cop <- ellipCopula(family = "normal", dim = 3, dispstr = "un",
+     param = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
> u <- (apply(temp.ret, 2, rank)/(n + 1))
> fit.ifl <- fitCopula(gaus.cop, u, start = c(0.2, 0.1, 0.1), method = "ml")

Comparison of results between the CML based copula fit and the rest are usual estimator
First is copula estimate, Second is simple cor estim and third is MCD based

> fit.ifl@estimate
[1] -0.030960314 -0.478677792 -0.001152047
> c(cor1[1, 2], cor1[1, 3], cor1[2, 3])
[1] -0.02793342 -0.47406102  0.10737413
> c(cor2[1, 2], cor2[1, 3], cor2[2, 3])
[1] -0.06133853  0.19202966  0.14840486