To use Chernoff - Flury Face to identify outliers

> library(aplpack)
> file <- "C:/Cauldron/garage/R/soulcraft/Volatility/Learn/Wolfgang_Multivariate/Data/bank2.dat"
> x <- read.table(file)
> op <- par(ask = TRUE)
> faces(x[80:110, ])
effect of variables:
 modified item       Var
 "height of face   " "V1"
 "width of face    " "V2"
 "structure of face" "V3"
 "height of mouth  " "V4"
 "width of mouth   " "V5"
 "smiling          " "V6"
 "height of eyes   " "V1"
 "width of eyes    " "V2"
 "height of hair   " "V3"
 "width of hair   "  "V4"
 "style of hair   "  "V5"
 "height of nose  "  "V6"
 "width of nose   "  "V1"
 "width of ear    "  "V2"
 "height of ear   "  "V3"
