For all the 313 pairs see whether kpss and unit root test

> sector.tests <- samesector
> sector.tests$uroot <- 0
> sector.tests$kpss <- 0
> npairs <- dim(samesector)[1]
> pair <- 1
> for (pair in 1:npairs) {
+     a <- samesector[pair, "tickeri"]
+     b <- samesector[pair, "tickerj"]
+     y1 <- (security.db1[, a])
+     x1 <- (security.db1[, b])
+     temp1 <- (grangertest(y1 ~ x1, order = 1))[2, 4]
+     if (temp1 < 0.05) {
+         y1 <- (security.db1[, a])
+         x1 <- (security.db1[, b])
+         fit.1 <- lm(y1 ~ x1 + 0)
+         error <- residuals(fit.1)
+         time <- 1:length(error)
+         fit.2 <- lm(error ~ time)
+         if (coef(summary(fit.2))[1, 4] > 0.05 & coef(summary(fit.2))[2,
+             4] > 0.05) {
+             type.1 <- "nc"
+             type.2 <- "mu"
+             error.transf <- error
+         }
+         if (coef(summary(fit.2))[1, 4] < 0.05 & coef(summary(fit.2))[2,
+             4] < 0.05) {
+             type.1 <- "ct"
+             type.2 <- "tau"
+             error.transf <- resid(fit.2)
+         }
+         if (coef(summary(fit.2))[1, 4] < 0.05 & coef(summary(fit.2))[2,
+             4] > 0.05) {
+             type.1 <- "c"
+             type.2 <- "mu"
+             error.transf <- error - mean(error)
+         }
+         if (coef(summary(fit.2))[1, 4] > 0.05 & coef(summary(fit.2))[2,
+             4] < 0.05) {
+             type.1 <- "c"
+             type.2 <- "mu"
+             error.transf <- error
+         }
+         t1 <- unitrootTest(error.transf, lags = 1, type = "ct")@test$p.value[1]
+         kpfit <- urkpssTest(error.transf, type.2, "short")
+         if (kpfit@test$test@teststat > kpfit@test$test@cval[2]) {
+             t2 <- 1
+         }
+         else {
+             t2 <- 0
+         }
+         sector.tests$uroot[pair] <- t1
+         sector.tests$kpss[pair] <- t2
+     }
+     temp2 <- (grangertest(x1 ~ y1, order = 1))[2, 4]
+     if (temp1 > 0.05 & temp2 < 0.05) {
+         y1 <- (security.db1[, b])
+         x1 <- (security.db1[, a])
+         fit.1 <- lm(y1 ~ x1 + 0)
+         error <- residuals(fit.1)
+         time <- 1:length(error)
+         fit.2 <- lm(error ~ time)
+         if (coef(summary(fit.2))[1, 4] > 0.05 & coef(summary(fit.2))[2,
+             4] > 0.05) {
+             type.1 <- "nc"
+             type.2 <- "mu"
+             error.transf <- error
+         }
+         if (coef(summary(fit.2))[1, 4] < 0.05 & coef(summary(fit.2))[2,
+             4] < 0.05) {
+             type.1 <- "ct"
+             type.2 <- "tau"
+             error.transf <- resid(fit.2)
+         }
+         if (coef(summary(fit.2))[1, 4] < 0.05 & coef(summary(fit.2))[2,
+             4] > 0.05) {
+             type.1 <- "c"
+             type.2 <- "mu"
+             error.transf <- error - mean(error)
+         }
+         if (coef(summary(fit.2))[1, 4] > 0.05 & coef(summary(fit.2))[2,
+             4] < 0.05) {
+             type.1 <- "c"
+             type.2 <- "mu"
+             error.transf <- error
+         }
+         t1 <- unitrootTest(error.transf, lags = 1, type = type.1)@test$p.value[1]
+         kpfit <- urkpssTest(error.transf, type.2, "short")
+         if (kpfit@test$test@teststat > kpfit@test$test@cval[2]) {
+             t2 <- 1
+         }
+         else {
+             t2 <- 0
+         }
+         sector.tests$uroot[pair] <- t1
+         sector.tests$kpss[pair] <- t2
+     }
+     if (temp1 > 0.05 & temp2 > 0.05) {
+         sector.tests$uroot[pair] <- 999
+         sector.tests$kpss[pair] <- 999
+     }
+ }

What the above script does is : . For the pairs which pass granger test, check for stationarity and unit root test simulataneously

> test <- sector.tests[sector.tests$uroot != 999, ]
> dim(test)
[1] 127  12

Out of 313, there are about 127 pairs for which there is no granger causality

> length(which(test$kpss == 1))
[1] 113

Out of 127 pairs, there are about , 113 pairs which pass stationarity tests

> length(which(test$uroot < 0.05))
[1] 44

Out of 127 pairs, there are about 44 pairs which fail unit root tests

> length(which(test$uroot < 0.05 & test$kpss == 1))
[1] 35

Out of 127 pairs, there are about 35 pairs ,
which fail unit root tests and pass stationarity tests.

However there is one thing which is problematic with the above approach. The final pairs are

> test <- sector.tests[sector.tests$uroot < 0.05 & sector.tests$kpss ==
+     1, ]
> as.data.frame(paste(test$tickeri, test$tickerj, sep = "-"))
   if (stringsAsFactors) factor(x) else x
1                           AMBUJACEM-ACC
2                          DIVISLAB-CIPLA
3                              GAIL-CAIRN
4                           GESHIP-CONCOR
5                               GSPL-BPCL
6                           IBREALEST-DLF
7                      ICICIBANK-AXISBANK
8                          IDBI-BANKINDIA
9                               IDFC-HDFC
10                  JPASSOCIAT-IVRCLINFRA
11                         LICHSGFIN-IDFC
12                  NAGARCONST-JPASSOCIAT
13                        NAGARCONST-LITL
14                         NAGARCONST-HCC
15                            RECLTD-HDFC
16                             RECLTD-PFC
17                   RELCAPITAL-INDIAINFO
18                        RELCAPITAL-IFCI
19                           RELIANCE-IOC
20                              RNRL-MRPL
21                          ROLTA-POLARIS
22                          ROLTA-HCLTECH
23                     SUNPHARMA-DIVISLAB
24                        SUNPHARMA-LUPIN
25                              TTML-MTNL
26                   ULTRACEMCO-AMBUJACEM
27                          UNIONBANK-PNB
28                      UNITECH-IBREALEST
29                        VIJAYABANK-IDBI
30                       WIPRO-INFOSYSTCH
31                          DRREDDY-CIPLA
32                       DRREDDY-DIVISLAB
33                        FINANTECH-ROLTA
34                          PATNI-HCLTECH
35                          PATNI-POLARIS
  1. By using Chris Brooks procedure 9 pairs have been eliminated as they did not show stationarity . The following pairs have been removed
> test <- sector.tests[sector.tests$uroot < 0.05 & sector.tests$kpss ==
+     0, ]
> as.data.frame(paste(test$tickeri, test$tickerj, sep = "-"))
  if (stringsAsFactors) factor(x) else x
1                   BANKINDIA-ANDHRABANK
2                        GTOFFSHORE-ABAN
3                     INDHOTEL-HOTELEELA
4                              IOC-CAIRN
5                         SBIN-BANKINDIA
6                             SCI-GESHIP
7                             SCI-CONCOR
8                        DRREDDY-RANBAXY
9                            PATNI-ROLTA