Q) to Sadhguru : Why do some of us spend time about useless things in life ?

A) Intelligence is being hijacked by Harmones. Body knows only survival & procreation. Every step, the body is walking towards grave. Becoz of the play of harmones, you have forgotten that. In the times to come, it will become apparent that you are walking towards grave. If you know that all you have is going to lose, then you become miserable. If all the while you have thinking about body only, then death would do you a lot of harm.

Death is not an issue. The way you live is the issue.

If you make the limited, unlimited, you will suffer.

You can be in little bit of mind, little bit of emotion, little bit of suffering, nothing wrong with it…it is very limited. Suffering will come in a million ways unexpected. life has its ways to grind you in most unexpected ways

You cannot make a small aspect of your life everything. Physically everything is well . Superb environment but people are not happy.
Thats not joy where you must take a tablet