Here’s how:

  • Cut back your social networking to 1-2 - including Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, forums, etc. These are hugely distracting.
  • Cut back on your social networking “friends”. Stick to your actual friends and colleagues. Networking with thousands of people you don’t know is superficial and distracting.
  • Limit time on social networking, email to specified periods. Set the times you allow yourself to do these activities - from 1-2 p.m., for example.
  • Do less email. Start by sending less. Check email less often. Use the phone or face-to-face conversations when possible.
  • Shut down the internet to work. Disconnect, and work without distractions.
  • Separate consuming from creating. Reading and networking and emailing are different from actually creating. Do them at separate times.
  • Set a limited reading time. If you read a lot on the web, or RSS feeds, set limits and do it at specified times.
  • Shut off notifications. Email, Blackberry, IM, whatever. Shut em down.
  • Clear away icons on your desktop. File them all in one folder, and use an app launcher such as LaunchBar or Launchy.
  • Clear your actual desk.
  • Use music to block out your surroundings.
  • Get away from the computer, spend time with actual people.
  • Shut off the smartphone. Seriously.
  • Single-task and focus.
  • Focus on the most important tasks first, before you get distracted.
  • Set limits on your work hours. If your time is limited, you’ll find ways to make the most of that limited time.