Today I made a new friend, emdbook.

I was looking for a way to draw 3d plots and here is what I stumbled on.

-—————— Dear All,

The function curve() draws the graph of functions from R to R. Is
there some homologous function to curve() to draw functions from R^2
to R?

Thanks in advance,

_-—————— No, you would have to write it yourself. The basic idea is to use
outer() to construct a matrix of function evaluations, then plot the
matrix using persp, contour, image, rgl::persp3d, etc. There are
examples on the ?contour man page.

Duncan Murdoch
-—————— There is a curve3d function in the emdbook package on CRAN. Paul

you might find the view() function in the ‘elliptic’ package useful.

This function implements various methods to visualize functions
over the complex plane.


So, here I am trying to see how my friend can help me out !!! by Ben Bolker