07-31 The Devotion of Suspect X
07-29 Spectral Analysis of Time-Series Data : Summary
07-28 Future Babble : Summary
07-22 Linear Models with R : Summary
07-22 Dark Pools : Summary
05-28 Quote for the day
05-27 What is a p-value anyway : Summary
05-27 Self-efficacy
05-27 An Introduction to the Bootstrap : Summary
05-25 Relevance of Stats
05-13 Elaborate encoding
05-05 Silence
04-22 Statistical Pragmatism
04-15 Elements of Hindustani Classical Music
04-15 Born Standing Up : Summary
04-14 The Razor’s Edge : Summary
04-14 K.V.Kamath with Sadhguru
04-07 IPython Notebook
04-06 Univariate Distribution Relationships
04-06 Steal like an Artist
04-05 Mathematics Gives You Wings
04-05 Doing vs Owning
04-02 Pandas
03-31 Matplotlib for Python Developers : Summary
03-31 Algo trading norms
03-29 Quote for the day
03-28 What killed Smalltalk could kill Ruby, too
03-25 NumPy 1.5 – Summary
03-20 Advanced Trading Apr - 2012
03-18 Traders Mag March 2012
03-16 TeXworks
03-16 Dive Into Python : Summary
03-14 A Byte of Python
03-10 SEBI on HFT
02-29 Python :-)
02-29 Psychologist & Netflix prize
02-26 Dexy–make|docs|sexy
02-25 Advanced Trading - Mar 2012
02-24 Python : Summary
02-23 Learn Python The Hard Way : Summary
02-21 Think Python : Summary
02-19 Addiction :-)
02-17 The Age of Big Data
02-12 Traders Mag Feb-2012
02-12 Lady Tasting Tea
02-12 Beautiful Rendition
02-11 The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction: Summary
02-07 P-value Fallacy
02-04 Quote for the day
02-04 Creativity Now : Summary