Goldman’s desperate attempt

Via NYMag: In news that is sure to stir hearts across the country, Goldman Sachs has decided to give a $15,000 annual raise to next year’s class of analysts (junior bankers typically just out of college, usually about 22 to 24 years old) as part of an effort to retain and attract top-level talent. It’s an overdue move, and not all that surprising. Life as a young banker on Wall Street is a fairly miserable experience, and many young bankers are understandably fleeing the cramped bullpens of Manhattan for the free snacks and treadmill desks of San Francisco.

High Frequency Manipulation at Futures Expiry

Here is a paper by IIMA working group that argues for automatic detection of market manipulation near expiry. The essence of the paper is that, SEBI has to detect fraud and punish the manipulators, rather than putting measures to prevent fraud( which has proven inadequate in general). This paper is inspired by an episode in the Indian market where a group of entities resorted to manipulative trading, who were later barred by SEBI from trading in the capital markets.

An Introduction to Information Theory

Link to my book review Takeaway: We see/hear/talk about “Information” in many contexts. In the last two decades or so, one can also go and make a career in the field of “Information” technology. But what is “Information” ? If someone talks about a certain subject for 10 minutes in English and 10 minutes in French, Is the “Information” same in both the instances?. Can we quantify the two instances in someway ?