If Truth Be Told

This book is written by Amit, a self-proclaimed witness to Mother Divine!. In his current incarnation, he calls himself Om Swami and runs a website – www.omswami.com. This book talks about his journey from a successful tech entrepreneur(again a self-claimed one) to a spiritual guru. I found the book to be total crap. This guy decides to take a spiritual path in 2009, renounces everything and heads to Varanasi, then to Himalayas and ends up meditating in a cave for over 150 days.

The Glass Cage : Book review

I have enjoyed reading Nicholas Carr’s previous book titled “The Shallows”, that discusses at length various ways in which Internet impacts our brain. In this book, the author takes “automation” as the subject and explores its human consequences. In this blog post, I will summarize the main points of various chapters. Alert for Operators This chapter opens with a terse notice issued by Federal Aviation Administration on Jan 2013. This note was addressed to all the US.

Digital Dice : Book Review

In the last few decades, enormous computational speed has become accessible to many. Modern day desktop has good enough memory and processing speed that enables a data analyst to compute probabilities and perform statistical inference by writing computer programs. In such a context, this book can serve as a starting point to anyone who wishes to explore the subject of computational probability. This book has 21 puzzles that can be solved via simulation.

Use of Continued Fractions for Laplace Transforms

In the case of a queueing model, it is very likely that service time distributions in a real life situation, do not have an exponential tail. This means that all the analytic solutions derived in any standard textbook are no longer applicable. If the server following a generic distribution, the expression linking the distributions such as Waiting time distribution, First passage time distributions, etc. and service time distributions is in the “Laplace Transform space”.