Introduction to Statistical Learning - Revisit

I am revisiting the book titled, Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R, after 7 years. It was back in 2013, when I read through this book for the first time, and worked through the book. Needless to say R ecosystem has expanded greatly since then. I have done many projects in the field of data science and have grown a bit wiser. This blogpost summarizes my re-learnings from this fascinating book, that is a bridge to Elements of Statistical Learning, a book that is considered the bible of Statistical Learning


In the past, I was very active and posting content on a regular basis. However life has kept me very busy in the last five years and I had stopped blogging. Needless to say, my thinking skills have atrophied. Thanks to blogdown package in R, I have created a fresh start with this blog. The purpose of this blog is to have a running log of all the things that I learn, think, code and read on a daily basis.