2010-03-27 Flaw of Averages : Summary
2010-03-24 Hypothesis testing - Multiple Reg
2010-03-24 Is Half All wrong worse than All Half wrong
2010-03-24 OLS Negative R-squared Simulation
2010-03-24 Role of Stats
2010-03-23 YES - CANBANK PAIR
2010-03-22 Chapter 7 - Jonathan Cryer
2010-03-18 How to test for Structural breaks
2010-03-18 Should one use GLS for pairs
2010-03-16 Chapter 8 - Jonathan Cryer Chang
2010-03-15 Game of Craps
2010-03-02 Chapter 1 - Characteristics of TS (Shumway)
2010-03-02 Chapter 2 - Regression for a TS (Shumway)
2010-02-28 Pie Charts – Why
2010-02-25 Granger Test Vs ECM
2010-02-23 Stationarity Tests
2010-02-23 Test
2010-02-22 Evolving Systems
2010-02-22 Quantile Regression
2010-02-17 Poisson
2010-02-17 Strang Rocks!
2010-02-16 How to Simulate Logit
2010-02-15 Influence Vs Leverage
2010-02-15 Percentage times reverted
2010-02-14 OLS vs GLS
2010-02-13 Basic Plots
2010-02-12 Statistical Models : Summary
2010-02-10 Aggregation Bias
2010-02-08 Connections amongst F Tests
2010-02-05 ANOVA
2010-02-05 Anova
2010-02-05 Tukey Test
2010-02-05 Using Anova in Finance
2010-02-05 Using Anova to Analyse Spreads
2010-02-02 PCA Regression
2010-02-01 My Learning’s from Charles Franklin Lectures 1- 5
2010-02-01 Wald Test in R
2010-02-01 Wald – Never To be Forgotten
2010-01-31 Dabbawallas : Six Sigma on What
2010-01-28 MLE
2010-01-26 Dummy Variable
2010-01-23 Trivia
2010-01-20 Monte Carlo Vs Bootstrap
2010-01-20 PredictorProblems
2010-01-20 Time Series Objects Intro
2010-01-17 Regression in simple words
2010-01-16 Bonferroni Correction
2010-01-16 Regression First Principles
2010-01-16 Ten Commandments of Statistics
2010-01-16 Type I and Type II error