2012-05-25 Relevance of Stats
2012-04-22 Statistical Pragmatism
2012-04-06 Univariate Distribution Relationships
2012-02-29 Psychologist & Netflix prize
2012-02-17 The Age of Big Data
2012-02-12 Lady Tasting Tea
2012-02-07 P-value Fallacy
2011-12-30 The theory that would not die
2011-11-02 Robust Portfolio Optimization & Management : Summary
2011-10-30 Introduction to Probability Simulation and Gibbs Sampling with R : Summary
2011-10-29 Models Behaving Badly : Summary
2011-09-03 PageRank
2011-08-28 MCMC
2011-08-26 Doing Bayesian Data Analysis : Summary
2011-08-20 Why cling
2011-08-15 Moneyball : Summary
2011-08-13 The theory that would not die : Summary
2011-07-23 Measuring the World : Summary
2011-07-06 R Graphics : Summary
2011-06-26 2009 KDD Cup entry – Model Description
2011-06-09 Probability Theory and its Applications ( Volume I ) - Feller
2011-05-28 Finite Markov Chains : Summary
2011-05-28 Is Twitter Prediction Model Flawed
2011-04-25 Measure, Integral and Probability : Summary
2011-04-20 Probability Essentials : Summary
2011-04-20 Probability Through Problems
2011-02-12 Help a Colleague
2011-02-11 MiniMax Problem
2011-01-21 Image Compression & SVD
2011-01-15 Optimize Travel Search
2011-01-14 ColorBrewer
2011-01-14 Dating a Statistician -:)
2010-09-08 MANOVA
2010-09-07 ANOVA
2010-09-06 The Quants : Summary
2010-09-05 The Quants : Summary
2010-08-29 Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis : Summary- Part I
2010-08-27 Superb Visual
2010-08-15 Picturing the Uncertain World : Summary
2010-07-27 Heteroskedasticity Tests
2010-07-25 Jacobian
2010-07-15 Copula methods in Finance : Summary
2010-07-13 Superb Learning
2010-07-10 Statistician’s Philosopher Stone
2010-07-09 Copula 101
2010-07-09 Gaussian Copula
2010-07-08 ecdf
2010-07-08 Laplace Distribution
2010-07-08 WPI Growth
2010-07-05 Scatterplot