2014-05-15 Bootstrapping–flip side
2014-05-11 Reproducible Research @ Coursera
2014-05-05 Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods : Summary
2014-04-29 Data Smart : Summary
2014-04-26 Efficient Simulation Smoother
2014-04-17 Bumping
2014-04-17 Bumping
2014-04-17 Dynamic Linear Models with R : Summary
2014-04-13 More accurate estimate == Poor classification
2014-03-19 Computational Thinking
2014-03-11 John Chambers on S
2014-03-07 An Introduction to Modern Bayesian Econometrics : Review
2014-01-25 Multivariate Statistical Analysis : Review
2014-01-18 Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
2014-01-18 Occam's Window
2014-01-14 Choosing Models
2014-01-14 Explaining the Gibbs Sampler
2014-01-05 Stein’s Paradox
2013-12-22 Calculated Bets - Review
2013-12-21 Algorithmic Trading - Winning Strategies and their Rationale : Review
2013-12-08 An Introduction to Probability and Inductive Logic
2013-11-10 Analysis of Integrated and Cointegrated Time Series with R – Summary
2013-11-10 Applied Econometric Time Series – Summary
2013-11-10 Cross-validation for time series
2013-11-03 A Kalman Filter Primer : Summary
2013-10-27 State Space Time Series Analysis : Summary
2013-09-08 The Signal and the Noise : Review
2013-07-15 An Introduction to Statistical Learning : Review
2013-07-06 Matrix Algebra Useful for Statistics : Review
2013-05-18 Weighing the Odds : Book Review
2013-05-08 Simulation and Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations : Review
2013-04-27 Big Data : Review
2013-03-27 Non-Life Insurance Mathematics : Review
2013-03-16 Renewal Theory : Review
2013-02-24 Struck by Lightning : Review
2013-02-10 The Success Equation : Review
2013-01-27 A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory : Review
2013-01-20 Automate this : Review
2013-01-13 An Introduction to Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series : Review
2013-01-13 Cashier Number 3 Please : Review
2012-11-09 Frequentists vs. Bayesians
2012-11-02 Introduction to WinBUGS for Ecologists : Review
2012-10-14 Principles of Data Mining : Review
2012-10-13 In All Likelihood : Review
2012-10-06 Bayesian and Likelihood Principle
2012-08-03 An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models
2012-07-29 Spectral Analysis of Time-Series Data : Summary
2012-07-22 Linear Models with R : Summary
2012-05-27 An Introduction to the Bootstrap : Summary
2012-05-27 What is a p-value anyway : Summary