
2018-06-21 Make Your Own Neural Network
2017-08-10 Learning Cypher : Summary
2016-05-02 Learn Git in a Month of Lunches : Review
2016-01-13 The Master Algorithm : Book Summary
2015-09-17 Reproducible Research with R and RStudio : Summary
2015-09-13 Compiling RR book
2015-09-11 Event History Analysis With R
2015-09-09 A Multi-Language Computing Environment for Literate programming and Reproducible research
2015-09-09 Active Documents with Org-mode
2015-06-14 MCMC for Item Response Models
2015-06-10 AR(2) estimation in WinBUGS and JAGS
2015-06-06 The BUGS project : Evolution, critique and future directions
2015-05-17 R Packages : Book Review
2015-04-19 Simulating NHPP in R
2015-04-12 Quantitative Trading with R : Book Review
2015-03-28 Digital Dice : Book Review
2015-01-11 “Sailor, Coconuts and Monkeys”– Continued Fractions
2015-01-06 Advanced R : Book Review
2014-12-05 Hands-On Programming with R
2014-12-02 User vs. Programmer
2014-10-18 Using Emacs for 3 decades
2014-09-13 Introduction to Bootstrap Methods with Applications to R
2014-08-13 “caret” author
2014-05-11 Reproducible Research @ Coursera
2014-05-06 Knitr
2014-04-29 Data Smart : Summary
2014-03-11 John Chambers on S
2014-01-04 Detexify
2013-12-05 Dynamic Documents with R and knitr – Summary
2013-08-10 Interactive books!
2013-08-10 Learning IPython for Interactive Computing and Data Visualization : Review
2013-08-09 Algorithmic Adventures : Review
2013-07-26 Algorithms–Review Part I
2013-07-07 R for Dummies : Review
2013-06-07 Data Structures and Algorithms using Python
2013-03-23 Learning RStudio for R Statistical Computing : Review
2013-01-20 Automate this : Review
2012-08-17 Document before Coding
2012-07-22 Linear Models with R : Summary
2012-04-07 IPython Notebook
2012-04-02 Pandas
2012-03-31 Matplotlib for Python Developers : Summary
2012-03-28 What killed Smalltalk could kill Ruby, too
2012-03-25 NumPy 1.5 – Summary
2012-03-16 Dive Into Python : Summary
2012-03-16 TeXworks
2012-03-14 A Byte of Python
2012-02-29 Python :-)
2012-02-26 Dexy–make|docs|sexy
2012-02-24 Python : Summary