2013-05-18 Weighing the Odds : Book Review
2013-05-08 Simulation and Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations : Review
2013-04-30 Brownian Motion Calculus - Review
2013-04-30 Stochastic Calculus for Finance II : Review
2013-04-27 Big Data : Review
2013-03-27 Non-Life Insurance Mathematics : Review
2013-03-16 Renewal Theory : Review
2013-03-04 A Tribute to Euler
2013-02-17 ODE (Tenenbaum + Pollard) - Review
2013-02-11 Basic Stochastic Processes : Review
2013-02-10 The Success Equation : Review
2013-02-08 Elementary Stochastic Calculus : Review
2013-01-27 A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory : Review
2013-01-20 Automate this : Review
2013-01-20 Un-Freakonomics
2013-01-13 An Introduction to Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series : Review
2013-01-13 Cashier Number 3 Please : Review
2012-12-22 Mumbai Local & Waiting Times
2012-11-17 Snakes & Ladders revisited
2012-10-20 The Joy of X : Review
2012-07-29 Spectral Analysis of Time-Series Data : Summary
2012-02-17 The Age of Big Data
2012-02-02 Zipf’s law
2012-01-08 Pricing the Future : Summary
2011-12-18 How I became a Quant : Summary
2011-11-12 Calculus Gallery : MindMap
2011-11-02 Robust Portfolio Optimization & Management : Summary
2011-10-29 Models Behaving Badly : Summary
2011-09-18 Markov Chains : Summary
2011-09-03 PageRank
2011-08-27 Steve Kroft investigates HFT
2011-08-26 Doing Bayesian Data Analysis : Summary
2011-08-13 The theory that would not die : Summary
2011-06-09 Probability Theory and its Applications ( Volume I ) - Feller
2011-06-07 The Housekeeper and the Professor : Summary
2011-05-28 Finite Markov Chains : Summary
2011-05-19 Andrei Andreevich Markov(1856 –1922 )
2011-04-25 Measure, Integral and Probability : Summary
2011-04-23 The Lebesgue-Stieltjes Integral : Summary
2011-04-20 Probability Essentials : Summary
2011-04-20 Probability Through Problems
2011-04-13 Modes of Convergence
2011-04-03 Inside the Black Box : Summary
2011-03-25 Jim Simons @ MIT
2011-03-22 Lebesgue Measure & Integration - Frank Burk : Summary
2011-03-06 Computing power isn’t good enough
2011-03-01 Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
2011-02-23 Math is not Linear
2011-02-13 The Cauchy – Schwarz Master Class : Summary
2011-02-04 Numerical Linear Algebra : Summary