2008-10-16 Now there are Hurricane Options!
2008-10-16 VIX at 80!
2008-10-12 Finally some alpha !
2008-10-10 VIX hits 70
2008-10-09 Don't blame the Quants!!
2008-10-09 Opera continues!
2008-10-09 ~ 55% GDP wiped out
2008-10-08 Fed Fund rate back to 2002 levels
2008-10-03 Risk based stock selection
2008-10-03 Sigh of relief to all the Scr~edups!
2008-10-02 Will the package be doled out
2008-10-01 Difficult times to predict
2008-09-28 HFI
2008-09-20 The New Dollar !
2008-09-19 Models redundant !!
2008-09-15 Will tomorrow be a black monday
2008-09-14 Law & Violations
2008-09-14 Quote for the day
2008-09-01 VIX and Asset Allocation
2008-08-30 Put/Call Ratio
2008-08-29 Volatility !
2008-08-28 Trading - What is it
2008-08-26 Catch the spike
2008-08-26 India VIX : Sad documentation
2008-08-26 Interesting
2008-08-26 Metric on analyst estimates
2008-08-26 Numbers to chew on
2008-08-26 why implied vol is better
2008-08-21 Why do we need Volatility Instruments
2008-08-20 3 day effort
2008-08-17 Trivia on Dow
2008-08-15 Greeks Trivia
2008-08-14 Why
2008-08-03 Bayes Vs Fischer
2008-08-02 Making Money OR a Bug
2008-07-30 2010 : 50% of trading would be algo based
2008-07-01 Mean Reversion
2008-06-13 Statarb using RLLN
2008-06-05 Chance meeting with Barone-Adesi
2008-05-30 Quant Finance Seminar - Interest Rate Models
2008-05-19 Trivia : Monte Carlo
2008-03-28 Volatility Smile - Still an Unsolved Problem
2008-02-16 Interesting example of Option on Futures!
2007-11-11 Is Financial Engineering Dead
2007-09-11 Why should trader join a bank
2006-11-02 VCs looking at long tail
2006-10-26 Math and Physics