2009-05-15 VIX Trading in India
2009-05-14 More than you know : Summary - Part 1
2009-04-26 Taylor effect
2009-04-23 25% Market Vanishes
2009-04-23 U Shaped Spreads
2009-04-21 GJR GARCH for Nifty Vol
2009-04-16 Its more like V
2009-04-16 Salih Neftci
2009-04-11 Gaussian Copula : Formula that killed Wall St.
2009-04-03 Make Hay while the Sun (read mkts) Sets!
2009-03-20 Root of the Problem
2009-02-12 Taleb & Daniel Kahneman Thoughts
2009-02-11 Word for the day
2009-01-29 2 Tiered Structure
2009-01-29 Where's the end
2009-01-27 Evidence Based Technical Analysis : Summary
2009-01-19 The Lady Tasting Tea : Visual Summary
2009-01-05 ArcSin Density
2009-01-05 Fortune's Formula : Summary
2009-01-04 Quote for the day
2008-12-31 Numbers to chew
2008-12-27 Dow 1448 by 2010 !
2008-12-27 US National Debt
2008-12-26 Plight of the Fortune Tellers : Summary
2008-12-14 An edge
2008-12-14 Numbers , a year ago !
2008-12-10 Faster Convergence!
2008-12-08 Banks === Utility Firms !
2008-12-08 Behind the HYPE called MFE !!
2008-11-28 Interest Rate Futures
2008-11-25 DMA hits India
2008-11-24 Cochrane on Replication methods!
2008-11-23 Quote for the day
2008-11-21 Free fall continues!
2008-11-21 India Top 20 Money Managers 2008
2008-11-21 Volatility and Correlation
2008-11-18 Time Spreads Vs Rest
2008-11-18 Why learn Vol Modeling
2008-11-17 Word for the day : Triple Witching
2008-11-14 End of WallStreet
2008-11-11 Lipstick Index !
2008-11-10 SEBI on shorting
2008-11-07 NRI
2008-11-06 One of the most brilliantly conceived wealth transfers ever
2008-11-05 Bond & Bond trader
2008-11-05 Obama and the S&P Straddle
2008-10-19 Derivatives Mkt : Staggering Numbers
2008-10-18 VaR: Variable And wRong
2008-10-17 DMA obstacles in India
2008-10-17 Estimated DMA Volume in India