2011-12-11 Boomerang : Summary
2011-11-02 Robust Portfolio Optimization & Management : Summary
2011-10-29 Models Behaving Badly : Summary
2011-09-28 Practical .NET for Financial Markets
2011-09-18 Another Rogue Trade
2011-08-27 Steve Kroft investigates HFT
2011-08-21 Tech Adoption
2011-08-15 Moneyball : Summary
2011-08-14 How an Economy Grows & Why it Crashes : Summary
2011-08-14 How an Economy Grows & Why it Doesn’t : Summary
2011-06-04 Jason Calacanis interviews Bitcoin guys
2011-04-03 Inside the Black Box : Summary
2011-03-25 Jim Simons @ MIT
2011-03-17 Rise of picosecond Trading
2011-03-07 Quote for the day
2011-01-15 Optimize Travel Search
2010-10-27 Investment Risk :)
2010-09-06 The Quants : Summary
2010-09-05 The Quants : Summary
2010-07-18 Untangling Skill and Luck
2010-07-15 Copula methods in Finance : Summary
2010-06-20 Value Averaging : Summary
2010-05-01 The Big Short : Summary
2010-04-29 iMoney
2010-04-27 The Perfect Portfolio : Summary
2010-04-15 Taleb on Robustness
2010-04-14 Clive & Rob on Nobel Prize
2010-04-11 A Primer for Unit Root Testing : Summary
2010-04-11 Unit Root
2010-04-06 Random Matrices
2010-03-27 Flaw of Averages : Summary
2010-03-24 Role of Stats
2010-03-17 Physics Envy
2010-03-10 US Economy – Is the story over
2009-11-08 Concise Intro to Econometrics : Summary
2009-11-08 Montecarlo and Trading
2009-11-07 Concise Intro to Econometrics : Summary
2009-11-07 Lesson :)
2009-11-07 Scientific Illusion
2009-11-05 Duration Mismatch
2009-10-25 Panic : Summary
2009-10-24 Buffet on Long dated options
2009-10-18 Galleon Group - Fraud
2009-10-13 Beauty(Returns) is in the eye of beholder(Investor)
2009-10-10 Few points on Technical Analysis
2009-10-06 Miles to go
2009-09-13 Efficient Asset Management : Summary
2009-06-11 > rnorm(15) Thoughts
2009-05-31 Covestor : Purple cow
2009-05-15 More than you know : Summary - Part 2