2014-05-27 Overlapping vs. Non Overlapping
2014-05-17 VIX computation
2014-05-15 Defending HFT
2014-05-06 Outlier treatment
2014-05-05 highfrequency – R package
2014-04-16 Volatility understanding – Reality check
2014-03-07 Are these the signs that HFT is dying
2014-01-17 One Security, Many Markets …
2014-01-15 Order characteristics and stock price evolution
2014-01-15 Trading Costs and Returns for US Equities
2013-12-31 Inferring Trade Direction from Intraday Data
2013-12-31 One Day in the Life of a Very Common Stock
2013-12-30 Time and the Process of Security Price Adjustment
2013-12-21 Algorithmic Trading - Winning Strategies and their Rationale : Review
2013-12-21 Trading and Exchanges–Market Microstructure for Practitioners
2013-12-20 Hasbrouck on EMM
2013-12-17 Broken Markets - Review
2013-12-14 Death of Open Outcry Markets
2013-12-03 The Unfinished game – Review
2013-09-08 The Signal and the Noise : Review
2013-06-30 The Buy Side : Review
2013-04-30 Brownian Motion Calculus - Review
2013-04-30 Stochastic Calculus for Finance II : Review
2013-04-18 Financial Calculus : Review
2013-04-17 The Physics of Wall Street : Review
2013-04-03 Stochastic Calculus for Finance – I : Review
2013-03-22 Basic Black Scholes : Review
2013-03-07 Movie on HFT
2013-02-10 The Success Equation : Review
2013-02-09 HFT Cartoons
2013-02-09 The Problem of HFT : Review
2013-01-20 Automate this : Review
2012-12-15 Pitfalls of Backtesting
2012-08-03 Knight Capital – Will it become extinct
2012-07-28 Future Babble : Summary
2012-07-22 Dark Pools : Summary
2012-03-31 Algo trading norms
2012-03-10 SEBI on HFT
2012-02-02 HFT hitting BRICS
2012-01-24 Million Dollar Traders
2012-01-22 Speed Traders : Summary
2012-01-18 The High-Frequency Game Changer : Summary
2012-01-15 Gold Info visual
2012-01-08 Pricing the Future : Summary
2012-01-08 Sign of things to come
2012-01-03 I-banking bubble
2011-12-28 Algorithmic Trading & DMA
2011-12-18 How I became a Quant : Summary
2011-12-15 How HDFC Bank Is Triumphing in India
2011-12-12 EU Collapse