JavaScript - 10,000 ft. view
JavaScript ranks as one of the most popular languages for developers across the world. With the rise of Internet and mobile devices, JavaScript has evolved too. For some reason, till date, I had never paid attention or understood how various frameworks work at a 10,000 ft view. Since I never really worked or learned this space, my understanding was really vague; In my mind, JavaScript equates to some script that helps with interactivity on the browser side.
Became curious to at least understand the various types of frameworks popular in this space and here is what I have understood as a rookie:
There are people specializing as full stack developers - well, it looks like an
oxymoron - how do you specialize on the entire stack of building an application.
In any case, keeping that aside, I understood that NodeJS is essentially a C++
library that extends JavaScript functionality. What is JavaScript functionality
and who defines it ? ECMA is the org that comes up with JavaScript specs that
various engines implement it. V8 is a popular engine from Google that is open
sourced. The good thing about V8 engine is that it can be embedded in to any
code. NodeJS embeds JavaScript V8 engine, and has a ton of C++
code, thus making it in to a modern web server.
What are the capabilities that NodeJS creates via its core library?
- Ability to read and write files
- Ability to communicate over the Internet
- Ability to communicate with databases
- Ability to spin off tasks to enable asynchronous programming
- Ability to manage the various packages required for development and production
package manager - Ability to organize code in to modules
As one can see, the above features are not specified in ECMA - well, except the
last point on modules that was introduced in the ES6. The fact that community
has taken pains to write C++
libraries that extend JavaScript functionality,
is what makes NodeJS quick and powerful server side technology. This means that
that NodeJS can outsource ECMA updates to Google’s V8 engine and focus on
writing C++
features to extend JavaScript functionality. Needless to say, this
ability to extend native JavaScript has spawned a million open source packages.
As of today, there are 1.3 million packages registered on npm
. That makes
NodeJS the most popular open source project in the entire developer community
What about JavaScript on the client side ? For every request sent by NodeJS, the
browser needs to create a DOM tree, invoke the JavaScript engine such as V8,
that manipulates the DOM. This manipulation of the DOM triggers a subsequent
change in the page display on the browser. There is a whole world out of
JavaScript frameworks that are available on the client side. Frameworks like
, React
all fall in this category where they enable efficient way of
packaging reusable client side components so that DOM manipulation on the client
side becomes hassle free.
This means that one needs to carefully design the JavaScript code based on
whether it is doing something on the server side or client side. Ofcourse there
are always decisions to be made on which engine should be used for what task.
May be it is better to have a piece of task done via server side NodeJS
engine or use components such as express
and templates
. May be it is better to get
something done on the client side using frameworks such as Angular
. To make
such decisions, I guess one needs to have a clear understanding of the way code
from NodeJS interacts with code from front end frameworks such as Angular
Does it make sense for a data scientist or ML engineer to learn JavaScript,
NodeJS and let’s say some framework such as Angular
? I have always felt that
the limitation of working with Python
or R
world is that one can build
single page apps only. Yes one could learn flask
and build a full fledged web
app using Python but then one would also need to learn quite a bit of JavaScript
to handle client side interactivity. In the case of R
, all one can do is build
single page app via shiny
. I like shiny
as one can avoid JavaScript
completely. You can do everything in R
and the shiny
package takes care of
the rest. I have tried avoiding looking at JavaScript space for many years. Why?
Many reasons but one of the things that stands out is that it appears
complicated, tedious and not really geared towards data munging and modeling.
Having said that, the fact that many data science prototypes and demos are being
showcased via full stack developers is an indication that it might make sense to
develop skills to create a quick multipage app via JavaScript frameworks. May be
the APIs that crunch summary stats or the APIs that spit out model output could
still be written as Lambda functions deployed over cloud, but there is nothing
that stops a data scientist to leverage all these wonderful frameworks to build
an awesome web app.