Stumbled on the book series by Stephe Locke. These books are good for beginners who have never programmed in R and trying to transition in to it, from having worked with another programming language.

The first book in the series gives a walk-through of the basic syntax around R. I think for someone looking to perform data munging or build ML models, the chapter on packages is useful as it lists down the basic R packages that one must be familiar with, i.e.

  1. caret
  2. broom
  3. modelr
  4. reticulate
  5. sparklyr
  6. h2o
  7. tidyverse
  8. ggplot2
  9. plotly
  10. leaflet
  11. ggraph
  12. rmarkdown
  13. bookdown
  14. revealjs
  15. flexdashboard
  16. data.table