
The month of September vanished from my life as my erratic eating habits and my work schedule took a toll on my health. Having recovered now, one of the biggest changes I have made to my life is, my diet. Thanks to a colleague of mine, Gautam, who suggested this book, I have started changing a few things in my daily schedule.

Usually I don’t even cast a glance on books with such titles.But this one, I took some time out to go over it. To my surprise, the content was refreshing. The author dispels a lot of myths about nutrition, diet and weight loss. Here are a few points that I will keep in mind:

  • Never wake up to tea or coffee.

  • Biscuits are more harmful than cakes and pastries because no one is worried about scarfing them down.

  • Sugar – 2 teaspoons max per day.

  • Eat every 2 hours in small quantities.

  • Eat more when you are more active and less when you are less active.

  • Finish your last meal at least 2 hours before you sleep.

  • Exercise/Working out is a must. If for some reason it is difficult to allocate time for exercise, at least walk daily.
