For majority, writing something means firing up a word document( MS Office or Open Office) and typing in stuff. Sometimes we don’t pause and think about the way we are actually preparing the document. We write something, we format it using the menu items or hot keys, then we write something, then we format etc. This goes on until we are done with preparing the document. This process is virtually in an auto-pilot mode for most of us. But if we pause and think of it, Should composition and formatting be activities that should done in parallel ? At least I don’t remember writing anything beyond 100-150 words before using some typesetting stuff like changing the font, color,etc. Does my composition become efficient if I don’t club these activities ? Don’t know!

The other day I was talking to someone who believes in “NO MS Word” life. That’s a little extreme, I felt.  He pointed me to an article that has changed his behavior years ago. Worth a read!

Link : Word Processors : Stupid and Inefficient