
This is a classic case of my Irrational behavior. I had been wanting to buy a few books before I left NY. However the price tag for the list of books that I wanted to buy was daunting. I just did not feel like investing that much money, though under normal circumstances (steady pay check), I would have just ordered them with no second thoughts!!

However the last time I checked my amazon order list, I seem to have actually ordered pretty much the entire list of books, by splicing it over a period of time.. Meaning, the cash outflow is the same $ but the decision making has been much easier after splitting the order and having a time lag between orders!! This happened unconsciously….It definitely beats rationality :)

I am sure there must be some term in behavioral economics to explain this sort of behavior. I wonder whether Shop-oholics/Mall-oholics also display the same behavior when they go mall hopping every weekend to purchase bit by bit their entire desired list of items!!