Sometimes there are so many random variables that one needs to deal with all at once. It kind of gets on to your nerves.

Most of the variables are stochastic in nature. The distribution for each of these variables X(t) changes for each day. It looks as though X(t) follows a known distribution for a given t. However as t increases, one starts seeing the distributions are no longer stable. There are jumps / non random behavior beyond comprehension.And worst of all, completely independent variables(at least which I assume) start showing extremely positive correlation / extremely negative correlation.

Ideally one can summarize an objective function as a function dependent on certain variables. These variables can be characterized as known knowns, known unknowns, unknown unknowns.

In real life, known knowns are very very few and one can easily deal with them. Everyone knows what they are.

Coming to known unknowns, these variable cause the maximum pain. Known unknowns are those variables one tries to predict and adjust one’s behaviors accordingly. But alas! , sometimes known unknowns are too many and the problems starts showing up. Uncertain distributions, uncertain correlations, variables morphing from deterministic to stochastic and back. These known unknows that I deal with are may be 10 variables and I for one am finding extremely difficult to deal with these 10 variables.

Well. then there are unknown unknowns , which , for reasons that can’t be verbalized, I think I am well equipped to handle. May be because the known unknowns have sucked up so much of my energy that I am confident to handle any unknown unknowns. Atleast that’s the frame of mind I am in.

One convenient way is to shove all the known unknowns in to unknown unknowns category and live a peaceful life. Well then the world is Black and White world. It is either known knowns OR unknown unknowns .But soon I start realizing that it is difficult to live in that state of world. Mind always tries to trick me in to hypothesizing about known unknowns. Vain effort OR Intellectual Orgasm OR simply succumbing to human behavior ..whatever it might be, I do not know.

Variables, Variables everywhere…Well , the only thing that is constant as of now seems to be ONE of the known knowns, thankfully..