With an emergent market like India, NRI is taking a new meaning “Newly Relocated to India”

With enormous strides in the capital markets, it is the probably one of the best times to work from Mumbai.

Local arb traders with out access to any computers are estimated to make $250 to $300 a month. Most of them generate numbers based on eye arbitrage, meaning visual and manual arb spreads. I strongly think that machines can add another 0 , i.e $2500-$3000 to that local arb trader’s take home . Who will extract local arb from markets ? Well, most of the talent is out in NY, London, Japan and Hongkong, atleast for now.

Fin crisis world over will make the talent go back to India. Anecdotal evidence : I know atleast half a dozen folks from the top firms and universities heading back to Mumbai. It is natural for any entrepreneur to explore this BLUE OCEAN !