
It is a beautiful day outside, a little drizzle which I can see from my window, a silence which allows a mind to clearly think and reflect. I don’t have to go to work today.I don’t have to think of bug fixing, deadlines, work allocation, assignments, grading, etc for ONE day. What can I think of doing in the coming 24 hours ? Sometimes the feeling of having 24 hours to yourself is quite liberating.

In this fast paced , go getter kind of world, sometimes I feel I am a misfit , for I work and like to work in a slow world. May be that’s the reason I am attracted to folks from “Trend Following” world, where it is more the inactivity that counts rather than the activity. In a place like NY, inactivity kills companies becoz most of them are market makers. In the case of inactivity or low volatility , they have to close down their firm. For investing, NY might not be a great place because it is easy to caught up in a frenzy and lose all your money. Well, I can’t help but think of trading these days for most of my thoughts keep revolving around slow trading strategies. When folks from NJIT did a presentation on slow moving average and fast moving average and suggested a time window of 45 days for a few stocks, I took it with a pinch of salt as one cannot expect to turn over the portfolio in 45 -50 days unless one is looking for mean reversion, which they were not.

There are 2 aspects which are occupying my mind these days: mean reversion and trending. Which follows in what contexts is something worth understanding. I tried relating this to sshank for quite sometime but after discussing it with TP, I am clear on the second phase of execution and not the first phase. I have no clue on the first phase.Well, somebody has to figure out the phase 1 of sshank to make it work.

Why am I writing all this ? I don’t know. Sometimes when you are silent, pause, and reflect on what is going on in your mind, and write about the thoughts and feelings, well may be that is what is called blogging..i don’t care..i just write this stuff and hope that it helps me have a clear mind. Also, the last 2 weeks have been very different from the usual days in my life and it has been very interesting period in my life . It seems so simple a philosophy to follow in life , have a clear and a positive attitude, rest of things will follow. May be that is what one must be doing ALL the time…Just enjoy the present, …who the f@#$ cares about the past, and who the f@#$ cares about the future which can be any of the montecarlo paths that might happen.

One thing is for sure , life is an path dependent option, with underlying being your actions and thoughts at every moment. Well, it is not an european or american. It is probably a perpetual option where the pay off depends on the extent you care to involve your thoughts in things that keep you joyful . wow, never thought I will view life as a financial instrument with such an exotic payoff…Ok, let me think of valuing such a asset…naaaaaa..that’s a stretch…I will enjoy this beautiful day …