We all know that the random number generator that comes along in excel is not actually random. If you sample 1000 x coordinates and 1000 y coordinates and draw a scatter plot, you can easily see large gaps where sample points are not picked.
Look at the picture below - The first one is from excel function rand()

If one is using random numbers a lot in one’s analysis, one has to ignore rand() and go for something else..One of the popular methods is LCG, a pseudo random number generator. If one looks at the second graph, it seems to be doing a better job than excel.

However the best approach comes from Quasi random numbers (QSR)where the space gets evenly filled out.The third graph illustrates.

One caveat in using QSR…Columbia university has a patent on developing the most efficient 50 or greater dimensional random number. So, watch out when you use a 50 dim rand number algo that you might develop for your usage…You might end up in a litigation :)..So as long as it is not super efficient, you are fine..:) strange are the ways of life in which patents rule
