I was randomly looking for sites that have sprung up recently at home.

Study places : Venture from Naukri.com

FirstPhera Wedsite - a site which allows one to manage , share and preserve wedding activities. Reminds me of a classmate of mine who took all the pains to create a website for his marriage and sent the link to everyone. It was novel at that time, but is there paisa as a service ??

In the same lines of mginger .Its a big team out there working on it from the gult land. want to see how this service pans out. I was taken for a big surprise when I read that mginger got funded for 2 Million USD..What’s cooking behind mginger that they need so much money ? 8 Crores is a LOT of money for a service like mginger.If the existing service is just a facade, whats their real service ?

Desi stumbleupon

On the lines of stumbleupon.com - from an ISB grad I think.