In the past few days I have come across the following firms which can real killers if everything pans out as they have envisioned.
1.Netvibes  - Exceptionally simple UI for creating webstart pages
2.Coghead - Any non programmer can create a web app . Who said rails makes web development easy ? who needs to develop anything if everything is already available in drag and drop format
3.Next Medium - TIVO solves a problem, but also creates a problem for marketers. Their ads on TV become ineffective, to say the least. This firm works on product placement in the content itself.
4.Blue lithium - My favorite - Serving contextual ads and taking on the mighty google
5.ClearWire - WiMAX firm which is shaking up all the big telcos and cable provider business
6.ZOPA - thought abt such a service while reading “Wisdom of Crowds” Now it has become a reality.
7.Jajah - Free calls with out burden of heavy client, headsets etc
8.Hype Machine - startup by a 20 yearold guy - technorati for mp3 blogs

It will be damn damn interesting to see how will these firms play out in the future