Why shouldnt there be a Tivo for India ? Why hasn’t been there one ?

  • Is it because of purchasing power of consumers is limited and would not be willing to invest in an instrument which records their programs of interest ?
  • Out of overall 200 Million TV set penetration in India - Rural folks dont mind TV ads
  • Marketers still rely on TV for promotional activities and customers are often hooked on to ads. I have seen a lot of folks discuss some of the quirky, catchy ads being discussed over theĀ  lunch table. Does this mean TV as a mode of ad promotion is going to stay for a lot more years
  • What will happen to the mobile devices ? Additional connections are 6 million per month . How can one leverage this platform for promotion
  • Recent development in terms of sms promotion from theatre services , airline ticketing services, insurance, banking services show various sectors are trying to grapple with the challenges of promoting their product in the 160 characters of an sms

So, can one rule out Tivo type of product in India ?