Barcampbangalore3logoI was at Barcamp3 Bangalore today , the second day of the barcamp.Some of the sessions that I managed to attend were

Tinkering Culture OR How Intellectual Property is Screwing Us : A superb and riveting talk about the IP by Mr. Lawrence. The breadth of examples presented in the session was mindblowing. The talk was focused on umpteen number of cases where read web was becoming read/write web. The session concluded with the thought Rescension (Constant Retelling of old stories) was the way to go where every individual should have the right to recast the product / service and serve up to customers.
Pickle Life Moves Pickle It. Photo and Video Ramesh Babu: A demo of photo and video sharing site -
Yulop - My take was that it wont fly unless they focus on one thing. The concept was called citycasting where in the entire city would be on the net. The content would be generated by the users and the services included a host of services , and here is where the problem lies. I guess the service would make sense only if the founders focus on only one service.

The Knowledge Foundation: Opportunities, Ideas, Challenges : This was a pitch by a group of professionals ,started a not for profit firm which conducts workshops, seminars, conventions. Barcamp is also their local adaptation of the US Barcamp

Can the new economy people cause a cultural shakedown in India ? - Subbu Vincent (India Together) - This was a very interactive session where the discussion revolved the challenges in starting a business and the way the new economy folks can create a cultural shakedown in India. The conclusion of the session was that we, Indians equate disagreement to disrespect and try to acquiesce with a lot of things which have to be challenged.
How to make users love your application / website. : A pathetic session which had no structure and content worth listening to
Big Fight - AJAX vs. Flex  :** It was not a big fight as the title suggests.It was more of a casual discussion on AJAX and Flex. Flex was completely new to me and it was a nice learning session.Flex is a developer friendly platform
BAMBI: case study and Discussion on innovation in big companies  :** This was a nice case study that showed how codehack was adopted in GE Medical systems and getting the employees unleash their creativity.

Social Networks in India - What works and what doesn’t : The session was about 3 aspects
    What makes indians use orkut and not not minglebox/hifi. ?
     What  are some of the success stories in India ?
    What kind of things can one looked forward ?

Overall, the gyan sessions were superb, demos were okish. Overall, a nice experience. I look forward to the next barcamp