There have been a lot of sites in the recent past where user generated video content and the videos have spread virally among the net community.

  • Revver, a pioneer the usage of still frame ad at the end of video pays the content creator based on the clicks - adsense model
  • Metacafe pays creators $100 when their video has been viewed 20,000 times, and $5 for every 1,000 additional views.
  • TurnHere and, offer upfront payments
  • Brightcove, DivX Stage6 and Cruxy, allow a video’s creator to set a price viewers must pay to view it, and exact a small transaction fee.
  • is more digg like but it pays the content generator if it manages to get to the home page of the site

What makes some videos hit and some flops – no one has a clue …

Just as Hollywood moguls have yet to find an infallible formula for producing a blockbuster, Internet video producers still don’t know why some clips “go viral,” sent by e-mail from person to person and incorporated into blog entries, and others languish, seen only by the auteur’s dorm mates.

Amidst all this, what is the revenue model that works ? Is there one at all ?Or all these sites just vying for to get acquired by google / msft / yahoo?

All the sites mentioned here are in essence nothing but acting as an aggregator of the long tail in videos. But what will be their revenue model ? What is the alternative for adwords and adsense for these type of sites? Food for thought..