Are we going to see the one to one marketing nirvana soon ?

Via NYT:

“If there’s a man and a woman watching television in two different houses and you are Procter & Gamble, it would be more efficient to show one of them an ad for a Gillette’s men’s razor and the other a woman’s ad,” said Mark Read, director of strategy at the WPP Group, an advertising holding company that has invested in Visible World and Spot Runner.To customize ads, the companies, to a varying degree, link ZIP codes with census and other third-party data to develop local demographic profiles, isolating viewers more finely than typical cable operators.

Visible World has an extensive system in place, running a national distribution network through media partners and using the partners’ routers to steer versions of ads to different parties. Visible World works at the household level by using information from cable set-top boxes.