Shouldn’t there be a bot to cut down the 25 web pages mentioned below to possibly 2/1 links ( I mention the activity and the bot carries out on the net )

Experience teaches us not to trust new sites straightaway. There are so many web sites out there, when we’re searching for something, it’s likely that this unfamiliar site we’re on is the wrong one. If we’re on the right site, we’re probably on the wrong page.

Think about it. To complete a typical web goal, say booking a hotel ticket, you may have to visit 25 web pages (search engine, follow a link, go back to search engine, follow another link, find right site, navigate to booking section, select dates and room type, check availability, enter all your information, enter your billing information, verify your billing information, confirm your order… Only one of those pages actually books the hotel ticket. Most of the others either completely wrong, or in the way.

I know the web is too big to see. Statistically, I’m almost certainly not on the right page, and anyway the next search engine result is likely to load faster and help me find what I’m after quicker.