With the buy out of youtube, internet is buzz with news/analysis/crystal gazing/ etc about the future..One question still pesters me ? Youtube has a lotttttt of content whihc include funny videos, porn, musicals, event videos. Keyword and tag based search are on the site. But if one looks at the psychology of a guy uploading a video, the intentions vary..Some of them do it for fun, Some want to advertise their personal brand, etc…If a person wants to be known on the online community not for fun, but for some serious stuff , it is not possible in the current youtube phenomenon because he gets ignored by video overload. ..
This leads to an interesting situation. Here is a site which is extremely popular and gets visits close to 4 million a day. It is so popular that it is the best shot you have got to display your skills, be it your music talent, singing talent, etc..However, once you upload your video, its so difficult to push your video as it is a perfect democratic world…How do you push your video ? Digg it ? Delicious it ? Furl it ? or just leave it like that and let the world notice your talent ?