We learn so so much from failure and in fact it is one of the best learnings anybody can have(even though they are costly). A popular adage is that the smart learn from other’s failure.Yes, it is probably right, but more often than not, the kind of learning which is associated from actually failing oneself is something valuable. Be it failing to ride a cycle or  be it failing to stay afloat in water, or failing in a business, they give immense learning to any person. Every failure helps us in understanding ourselves better in our decision making skills, relationship skills, people management skills, etc…

The point of the post is not to extol the importance of failure..It is obvious that it is such a farking important aspect. THEN WHY DO PEOPLE WANT TO SEE Resumes with all good things…

Shouldn’t a resume be where you are asked to list down all the failure you have had in life.  Wow! I would love to sort through resumes of failure as they give me a better idea of what kind of person he/she would already know when they work with me…It would be easier to chuck resumes too..Just look out for blank pages and that’s it, in one go, you have removed all the unwanted resumes.

I guess it might be a worthwhile exercise to just spend 1/2 hr and try to create a failure resume based on one’s work and life..I bet, it would bring a lot more insight for you as well as the recruiter.

Try out for fun sometime!