Florida in USA is one state which has the maximum number of old people. Financial companies all over the world are setting up customer labs in this state to study the psychographic behavior of these customers because by 2025 , most of the USA would look like Florida.  10 trillion USD is going to shift from one generation to another in the coming 10 years. The retirement rollover market is worth billions.

Is there a case for a bank which focuses only on this segment of population who would like to have a service architecture completely different from the current bank which tries to be everything to everything? It would be fun to draw a strategy map of the US financial services industry and see if there is a scope of value innovation and a scope for creating a blue ocean ( Blue ocean strategy is creating an uncontested market place ) A bank which can align all its service elements, operational processes, financial parameters and organizational goals to address the aging population needs with a bank would be definitely a purple cow….A bank exclusively for old people…why not call it a “WISE BANK” . I am more than sure that such a bank will crop up very soon .